Still using that old whiteboard for your quay planning ?!

“Take a seat, sir….” (or ma’am ofcourse) cause we are going to change your life, period!

Our Shipplanner software is a webbased, stand alone quay planning program completely tuned for your terminal.
And the best part, it’s simple, it’s fast and it gives all your employes the info they need, wherever they need it, REALTIME!

Modern quay planning software used by the bigger terminals around the globe are mostly intergrated in expensive Terminal Operating Systems (TOS).
Besides that, you almost need a study to see what it’s all about.. You don’t need that… You need it simple and with a fraction of the cost!



Suited for your Terminal

Your terminal, your quay, your wish, our command.. well, almost offcourse.. But very close! The layout will be completely tuned by your needs.


All you need to know, wherever you are.
As long you have an internet connection available, you can see and update your berth spots

Build from experience

Shipplanner is build on experience. All the info you need, right at the click of a button. Vessel particulars, phone numbers, email adresses, ect. all in one place.

WHAT does make it so special ?

Shiplanner is build from experience.
It should have all the features a quay planner need to have.
And if not, we are open for suggestions!

Please see below a small list of most important features that are in Shipplanner.

Shipplanner is stand alone and does’nt need other software to work. However, we are looking into API data services in the near future

Adjust your quay planning anywhere in the world as long an internet connection is available. On desktop, laptop, tablet or mobile device!

Our basics starts at your terminal.

Its the best you can ask for.. No study`s needed.. and everyone can see and gets whats up. Guaranteed!

All your employees can work at the same time in Shipplanner.

Drag and drop with 2 buttons so no exedently movements are made

Shipplanner was designed for the use on big screens.
Full screen option without the user interface give a great view on the planning.

See whats gonna happen with in the next period of time. Are vessels along side, are they going to leave port or are they lay-by. Different (blinking) colours shows whats going on.

No need to save or synchronice your work.
All changes are made realtime at all places.

Phonenumbers, email adresses, kind of twistlocks and permanent notes to improve operations.

Import vessels by IMO number and auto import vessel names, call signs and vessel lenght and more

No difficult timelines, no unnecessary windows.. more logic then this isn’t even remotely possible!

Adjustable layers show the info you like when you need them. Even if its info you need once in a lifetime, we make sure you can find it in a blink of an eye

When a vessel can berth on only one side, due  the vesselcranes or beïng roro, Shipplanner makes sure you do it right the first time!

Only want your berth planner to make changes of a whole the whole department.. no problem. With an intergrated right system you deside who has the right to change things

Extensive logging function shows what has happend in the past.

"At Uniport Multipurpose Terminal in Rotterdam NL we used to have a whiteboad as quay planning.. It took someone most of the day to fill the board, only planning the next 24 hrs!

Now, with Shipplanner the same is done in only a few minutes!"

Leander van Veen
Vessel planner

"At first I had a bad feeling about this... but these scoundrels told me the odds and without being cocky I can tell you this berth control software is the best in the galaxy!"

Han Solo
Captain Millennium Falcon

"This piece of incredible software is so good, Americans could have made it. It will blow your mind. I think, no, I know you will like it.
Believe me.

In the great history of berth plan programs this is the best I have ever seen and does make the rest look stupid.
Millions and billions are spend by morons before, but that ends now with the help of Shipplanner."

Donald Trump
President of the United States

Yeah, you figured it out already, we are in desperate need of some true and positive feeds for this part..
And now you here, are you an user of Shipplanner and willing to spread some love that we can use?
Please feel free to write something positive in a few lines, add your best mugshot and you might make it up here !

Meet the BOYS

Matthieu van Egmond

Co-owner | Developer

Leander van Veen

Co-owner | Designer